A Method of Establishing Duality Principle for Euclidean Space 欧几里得空间建立对偶原理的一种方法
Two interval sculling compensation algorithm based on duality principle 基于对偶原理的二子样划船补偿算法
Application of duality principle in designing of combinational logic circuit 对偶原理在组合逻辑电路设计中的应用
In the second chapter, it introduces the basic theroy of signal detection, including the duality supposed detection and multiple supposed detection, the design principle for statistic signal detection system. 第二章介绍了信号检测基本理论,其中包括二元和多元假设检测,统计信号检测系统的设计思想,二元假设检测判决准则等。
Some thoughts of the quantum mechanics have produced great influence on people's philosophic ideas and the core thought of the quantum mechanics is Wave-particle duality, Bohr's Complementary principle, Uncertainty Principle and Causality relate to probability. 量子力学的一些思想对人们的哲学观念产生了相当大的影响,量子力学的核心思想是波粒二象性、互补原理、不确定性原理(测不准原理)和因果关系的几率描述。
Duality Principle of Multiple-Valued Modulo-Algebra Equations 多值模代数方程组的对偶定理
Based on the duality principle, the thesis proposes the novel current-fed Z-source inverter. 根据电路的对偶性原理,本文提出了新型的电流型Z源逆变器。
In this paper, Pappus theorem has been generalized in P~ 3 based on the duality principle of projective space. 根据射影几何中的对偶原则,将P2中的Pappus定理及其对偶定理推广至P3。
By means of Lagrange duality theory of the convex program, a dual problem of Hill's maximum plastic work principle under Mises 'yielding condition was derived and whereby a non-differentiable convex optimization model for the limit analysis were developed. 藉助于凸规划的Lagrange对偶理论,建立了Mises屈服条件下理想刚塑性材料Hill最大塑性功原理的对偶问题,并据此建立了极限分析的一个不可微凸规划模型。
On Application of duality principle 浅谈对偶原理的运用
The positive definite geometric programming is transferred into a nolinear programming with constraints of linear equality by duality principle. 在对偶理论作用下约束正定式几何规划转变为线性等式约束下的非线性规划。
In this paper, the duality principle of the topological spaces is given. Moreover, the duality principle is generalized to closure and interior, Semi-open set and Semi-closed set, regular open set and regular closed set, topological base and mapping. 本文首先在拓扑空间中引入对偶原理,并把它推广到闭包与内部、半开集与半闭集、正则开集与正则闭集以及拓扑基、映射等方面;
So, the author points out some shortcomings on solving the limit of duality function and how to solve the problem by means of the ending principle. 为此,作者特指出某些书中求二元函数极限易于出现的问题及应用海涅归结原则如何求解。
In addition, the duality principle of GDS and their dynamic compensators is elucidated. 此外给出了一般广义系统及其动态补偿器的对偶原理。
In this paper the application of the duality principle to the DC-to-DC switching converters are investigated. 本文研究在直流-直流开关变换器电路中对偶原理的具体应用问题。
Research on New Single-Stage PFC Converter Based on Duality Principle 基于对偶变换的新型单级PFC变换器研究
By defining ε-hedging strategy, applying duality principle of linear programming and martingale measure theory, we present a kind of calculation method for the seller's arbitrage price and the buyer's arbitrage price of capital asset in finite ( state) security market. 在定义ε-套期保值策略的基础上,采用线性规划对偶原理和鞅测度理论,给出了有限(状态)证券市场资本资产的卖方套利价格和买方套利价格的计算方法。
Employing a policy called lower bound method and based on priority, difference unbalanced load redistribution, the initial effect is produced through duality principle. Taboo search calculation is also introduced to raise its function. 这种方法利用了一种称为下界方法(lowerboundmethod)的策略,初始结果通过对偶问题的方法产生,用到了基于优势,差异,非平衡的负载重分布方法,同时引入了禁忌搜索算法以提高性能。
Based on the form of duality system of Maxwell's equations and the variational principle for dual variables, a symplectic finite element formulation for 3D electromagnetic fields is derived in details. 针对三维共振腔的电磁场分析,利用Maxwell方程的对偶方程体系形式,从其相应的对偶变量变分原理出发,导出了三维电磁场辛有限单元的详细列式。
A Method for Calculation of Resistance by Duality Principle of energy 用对偶能量法求电阻
Application of Duality Principle in Design of Single-stage PFC Converter 应用对偶方法设计单级PFC变换器
AdS/ CFT duality and the holographic principle has very close links. AdS/CFT对偶和全息原理这一深刻的概念有着十分紧密的联系。
The SVR model with optimized hyperplane by SPSO algorithm is derived, which solves the high-order matrix problem encountered in the optimal SVR hyperplane based on Lagrange duality principle. 提出SPSO-SVR模型,采用SPSO算法优化SVR的超平面,解决了现有利用Lagrange对偶原理求解SVR最优超平面时遇到的高阶矩阵问题,使得问题更直接、更简化。
Based on the duality principle, a nonlinear transformer model is presented. 本文基于对偶性原理建立了变压器的非线性暂态模型。
Then, by using optimal control theory, duality principle, linear matrix inequation, and state observer and so on technology, fault diagnosis approaches are proposed for systems with delayed mesurement. 然后利用最优理论、对偶原理、线性矩阵不等式及状态观测等技术,提出了在系统中含有不时滞情况下的故障诊断和容错控制方法。